Sonntag, 7. August 2011

9:49 pm in Germany

Just sitting on the bed with my kittie and my laptop and watching Lord of the Rings (AGAIN) xD


Absinthe recipe )O(

Absinthe is one of my favorite alcoholic drink...and i thought i should share my treasured recipe with you guys =)

A legend tolds if you drink it and chant before you go to bed *"St. Luke, St. Luke, be kind to me, In dreams let me my true-love see.* you will get a vision of true love in your dreams.

You'll need:

500ml Vodka
2 ts crushed wormwood
2 ts crushed anise
1/2 ts fennel
4 kardamom capsules
1/2 ts crushed coriander
2 ts crushed angelica root

Souse the wormwood with the vodka and let it stay for about 2 days.
Then filter out the wormwood and add the residual ingredients.
Then let it stay for one week. After that you need to filter it again.

You can add some green food color so it looks scary green :D
Fill it into a beautyful flask and label it.

Finished =)

Good Luck & Blessed Be

Rules for the upcoming Harvest time )O(

Rules for collecting herbs

1. Only half of the gain.
2.Collect only as much as needed!
3.collect gently, do not damage the roots!
4.Do not collect in the rain, fog or wet weather.
5.The early morning is the best Time.
6.Pay attention to the moon phases (using fresh herbs: waxing moon. For drying herbs: waning moon) modest and thankful!

Rules for drying herbs

1.don't dry the herbs over 40 °C!
2.Store in airtight container.
3.Always label the container with a date!

Have fun within the harvest time :D

Good Luck and Blessed Be

How to make you own Sage Smudge Sticks )O(

Merry Meet everyone,

yey it's weekend so i have enough time to make a tutorial on how to make your own Sage Smudge Sticks.
It is super easy...promise ;)

So when you have Sage in your own garden you're a lucky one
'cause in Germany it's pretty hard to find sage in the wild nature xD.

So grap a pair of scissors and cut off about two hands full of Sage.
*****And don't forget to say "thank you" to the sage, for giving you some of its leaves!!!*****

After that wrap colored string around the sage bundle till it looks like this:

When you're done with that just hang the bundle at a dark, dry place till it's completely dry =)

So that's're done :D!!!!

Good Luck and Blessed Be )O(